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Memorial - Kelty, Fife, Scotland

1914 - 1918  and  1939 - 1945

Soldier Soldier War Memorial WW I and WW II

Inscription and names WW I Names WW I
the glorious memory
the men of Kelty & district
who gave their lives
in the Great Wars
1914 - 1918
and 1939 - 1945
Campbell Adamson
David Adamson
John Adamson
James Allan
John Allan
George Allan
John Allan
Edwin Anderson
James Anderson
William Armour
Alexander Bain
John Bain
Robert Bain
Thomas Ballantyne
James Barker
Thomas Barnes
Robert Beveridge
John Black
Robert Black
John Blackwell
Charles Blues
Robert Bogan
John Boyd
William Boyd
Dungan Brown
James Brown
John Brown
Robert Brown
Peter Bruce
William Bruce
Robert Buchan
Robert Burns
Robert Butters
James Clark
John Condie
Patrick Connelly
Alexander Cooper
Charles Beveridge
Robert Hunter
Robert Cooper
Thomas Cowan
Robert Craigie
James Crawford
John Crowe
Abram Cush
Robert Cuthbert
Thomas Dauris
Robert Davidson
William Davidson
Melville Davis
James Dewar
David Douglas
John Dow
John Drummond
James Duffy
Patrick Duffy
Joe Fallon
Ebenezer Fernie
George Fisher
Robert Fisher
Alexander Flockhart
William Ford
David Forrester
Henry Forrester
James Fotheringham
John Fowler
Archibald Fraser
Archibald Gilchrist
Charles Gordon
Alexander Gourlay
John Gray
Martin Green
Robert Hamilton
John Hanley
Thomas Harkins
Samuel Harper
James H. Fleming
John Kelly
Andrew Adger
George Alexander
James Allan
John Anderson
James Bain
Alexander Bernard
Thomas Birrell
John Brown
David Carscadden
Adam Cook
Neil Cordery
Owen Coyle
George Dewar
Janet Doig
George W. Drummond
John Drummond
Douglas Drysdale
Alexander Dunn
John Dunn
Dougald Gaalbraith
William Gallagher
James Gibson
Thomas Gillespie
Edward Goble
George Gray
Thomas Gray
Robert Hoey
Daniel Hunter
John Hunter
Neil Hunter
Robert Hutton
Robert Laird
William McCabe
George McGreavie
Bartholomew McHale
David Mackintosh
George Menzies
Alexander Miller
James Milne
Kenneth Paton
William Philp
Alexander Robertson
Thomas Russell
John Skinner
George Sneddon
Joseph Sneddon
John H. Stark
Hugh Thomson
William Thomson
Thomas Dewar

Names WW I
William Harvie
Archibald Henderson
William Henderson
William Henderson
Alexander Hodge
Robert Hodge
David Hughes
Francis Hughes
Thomas Hughes
William Hughes
William Hutton
James Hynd
Alexander Hyslop
Anderson Inglis
Allan Ireland
John Izatt
Robert Izatt
Robert Izatt
Alexander Jack
Alexander Japp
Andrew Japp
Alexander Johnstone
James Jones
Patrick Kilmartin
David King
John King
Judah King
Robert King
Thomas Lafferty
Andrew Leishman
Bernard Lynch
James Lynch
David Marshall
Harry Marshall
George Martin
John Melville
James Lowe
Alexander Mill
Robert Millar
Alexander Mitchell
William Morgan
Edward Moore
William Moore
James Moore
David Moyes
Robert Muir
David Muir
James Murphy
James MacLaren
Peter McAndrew
Peter McCallum
James McConville
Samuel McCullogh
Andrew McCurly
Dennis McCarry
James McCarry
James McCarry
Robert McCarry
Anthony McHale
Hugh McKay
James McKay
William McKenzie
James K. McLuskie
David McMillan
David McMullan
John McNeally
Thomas McNeally
Charles McMcNeil
Charles McNeil
Michael McNeil
Andrew Nelson
David Nelson
James Nicholson
Robert Niven
David Telfer Wood
John O'Donnell
Patrick O'Donnell
David Orr
John Osborne
Michael Owens
Peter Owens
Joseph Panton
John Paterson
Robert Patterson
Matthew Paul
Bertie Penman
John Penman
Lawrence Tony Penman
William Penman
James Penny
James PhilipJohn Pitcairn
Alexander Proudfoot
Alexander Rae
James Ramage
Michael Reddington
John Redmond
Alexander Robertson
Chris Robertson
George Robertson
Thomas Robertson
Alexander Rodger
Graham Rodger
Thomas Rodger
William Rodger
Charles Salmond
William Salmond
James Sherry
William C. Simpson
James Sinclair
Walter J. Stewart
Thomas Orr
John Sinclair
Andrew Smith
Edward Smith
Matthew Smith
Patrick Smith
Thomas Smith
George Sneddon
George Sbeddon
Robert Spittal
Peter Stevenson
Robert Stewart, M. A.
James Stratton
Hugh Syme
William Syme
Patrick Tague
Hugh Todd
John Torrance
George Turnbull
William Turnbull
Andrew Turpie
Robert Watters
James Watson
David Weatherley
William White
Charles Whyte
John Whyte
Alexander Wickham
John Woods
Robert Woods
John Wallace
Thomas Wilson
William Wilson
George Wotherspoon
Thomas Wotherspoon
William Younger
William Younger
Thomas Turbayne
George Pryde

Names after 1945 Robert K. Easton, Korea 1952
Paul Lowe, Iraq 2004


This page is dedicated to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II.
We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world.




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