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Alfred and David Lang
Name   Year of birth   Place of birth
Alfred Lang   
   Toodyay, Western Australia
David Lang   
   Murchison, Western Australia

Their father John Leslie Lang was probably born 1873 in Liverpool, England. It is not known when he came out to Australia. He was married in Geraldton, Western Australia, in 1899 to Louisa Helena Giese. John Leslie Lang died in Woolooroo Sanaterium in 1916 in West Australia.
Submitter: Albertus Lang

A John Lang imigrated from Albany, UK to Adelaide, South Australia, Australia on board the ship "Valetta". Arrival in Adelaid was on 09 September 1896.

Elizabeth Lang
Elizabeth Lang, France, won prizes in vintage publications in 1898.

G. M. Lang
G. M. Lang, Sunderland, won prizes in vintage publications in 1899.

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Lost Ancestors: 28 June 2022