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Edmund T. Loader
Edmund T. Loader, Brighton, won prizes in vintage publications in 1898.

The birth (16 May 1881) of Edmund Turley Loader was registered in Steyning, Sussex, England during the third quarter of 1881 and was baptised in Clayton, Sussex, England on 03 July 1881. His parents were Arthur and Louisa Loader. He was a theological student of the Church Missionary College in Islington, London, England. He resided with his sisters Mary L., Constance G. and Ada W. at 177, Dyke Road in Brighton, Sussex, England in 1939. He was a "clerk in Holy Orders" and made several trips to Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

Wills and Administrations, 1944
Loader, the reverend Edmund Turley, of 177, Dyke Road, Brighton, clerk, died 08 May 1944 at The Tarner Home, Tilbury-place, Brighton.
Probate Winchester 31 July to Ada Winifred Loader, spinster. Effects £3581 7s.

The "East Asian History", Number 32/33, December 2006/June 2007, tells about the Loader family:
. . . One example of such a local investment in China can be found in the work of the Loaders, a family of very active participants in Brighton parish life who were particularly strong supporters of CMS and CEZMS work in China during the first half of the twentieth century. Widow Mrs Louisa Loader (1847-1931) and her large family lived close to the Brighton parish church of St Peter's from around 1 888 until the mid 1930s.80 Mrs Loader's Thursday afternoon Mother's Meetings raised money for the CEZMS, and parish records also show that of all local fundraisers, her daughters Mabel (b. 1873), Mary (b. 1883), Winifred (b. 1 885)' Ruth (b. 1887) and Constance (b. 1889) consistently donated the highest sums to the CMS through collecting boxes, concerts and sale stalls 81 In 1900, Winifred Loader pioneered a scheme to send out a missionary periodical along with theparish magaZine, and when the local missionary society was reformed in 1906, Winifred was named as magazine secretary. Mrs Loader was a committee member of this aSSOCiation, and from 1912 onwards served as assistant secretary. The Loaders also hosted a Missionary Association Library in their own home from which parishioners were invited to borrow at a cost of one penny per book, and when a CMS annual meeting showed a film about China, the tickets were sold by Mrs Loader.82 During 1919, the Misses Loader's CMS boxes raised £5 6s. Id., and Mrs Loader made £1 12s. 1d. from the selling of "Chinese work" and her Mother's Meetings raised nine shillings for the CEZMS 83 This work was undertaken by the family alongside district viSiting, Sunday School supervision, and fundraising for other church projects.
The primary reason for the Loaders' interest in the China missions must surely have been that two of Mrs Loader's other children, Kathleen Sophia Loader (1875-1945) and Rev. Edmund Turley Loader (b. 1881) were both missionaries in China. They worked for the CEZMS and the CMS respectively, Kathleen being stationed in Fujian province from 1901 until her death 19 45, and her brother in Guangxi from 1915 until at least 1929. Such family ties may explain how Mrs Loader was able to obtain the "Chinese work" which she was selling between 1906 and 1925. It was also the reason why, when arrangements for Africa and the East were announced in the parish magazine, it was deemed "very appropriate" that St Peter's was one of the four churches responsible for the Chinese displays, Winifred Loader being in charge of volunteer coordination.
Kathleen and Edmund Loader's work in China was clearly a source ofgreat local and family pride, and they gave lectures in the town in 1908, 1915 and 1921 for which the appeal was twofold . . .

CEZMS = Church of England Zenana Missionary Society
CMS = Church Mission Society

by Sarah Cheang (Institute of Advanced Studies, The Australian National University).
More information on "East Asian History".

England Census 1891 about Edmund T. Loader and family
Residence: 2, Richmond Terrace, Brighton, Sussex, England
Name Relation Marital
Age Birth Place of Birth
Arthur Loader
Louisa Loader
Mabel B. Loader
Kathleen S. Loader
Kenneth Loader
Edmund T. Loader
Mary L. Loader
Ada W. Loader
Ruth L. Loader
Constance G. Loader
Frederick Loader
Sarah M. Raun
abt. 1840
abt. 1847
abt. 1874
abt. 1876
abt. 1880
abt. 1882
abt. 1883
abt. 1885
abt. 1887
abt. 1889
abt. 1838
abt. 1872
Brighton, Sussex
Brighton, Sussex
Brighton, Sussex
Shoreham, Sussex
Shoreham, Sussex
Shoreham, Sussex
Shoreham, Sussex
Shoreham, Sussex
Shoreham, Sussex
Brighton, Sussex
Brighton, Sussex
Brighton, Sussex

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Lost Ancestors: 28 July 2022