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Todd in UK
In Great Britain : 30 590 people share the surname Todd according to our estimation.
The surname Todd is the 286th most common name in Great Britain.

Todd in Germany
The German telephone directories contain 80 entries about Todd.
According to the current records of the Federal Office of Statistics, there are 213 Todd
living in 39 cities and counties in Germany at the present time.
Further Todds in Switzerland and Poland.

Todds from Cumberland
My Todds came from Cumberland, England.
William Todd born 14 February 1848 in Cleator. He was my great grandfather.
My grand mother was Sarah Elizabeth Todd born 08 October 1874 in Egremont, Cumberland, England.
She immagrated to Canada in 1907 as a single mother of a girl, Violet, Edith Todd born 1901.
Submitter: floppydavis

Todds from Cumberland
My Todds were also from Cumberland.
I've only researched my direct line so far and don't have a William Todd, but do have a John Todd
born 1840, who married Elizabeth Wilson in 1879.
They had a child Henry Wilson Todd born 1880.
Submitter: shellysmith

John Todd Jr
Flea Market finds

20 May 1872
A letter from John Trewitt, Solicitor & Notary, 58 Fawcett Street, Sunderland
to John Todd Jr., Butcher of Cox Green (Maidenhead, Berkshire)

The letter concerns the purchase of two cottages from a Mr Dixon.

Violet C. Todd
Violet C. Todd won prizes in vintage publications in 1898.

L. M. and L. L. Todd
L. M. and L. L. Todd won prizes in vintage publications in 1899.

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Lost Ancestors: 02 October 2009