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Wells in UK
In Great Britain : 52 410 people share the surname Wells according to our estimation.
The surname Wells is the 145th most common name in Great Britain.

Wells in Germany
The German telephone directories contain 113 entries about Wells.
According to the current records of the Federal Office of Statistics, there are 301 Wells
living in 69 cities and counties in Germany at the present time.
Further Wells in Switzerland and Poland.

Gladys Wells
Gladys Wells won prizes in vintage publications in 1909.

G. Wells
Little Helpers who made collections to donate to the upkeep of a children home in 1920.

The Hon. Diana Fellows, helped by her French governess, Elizabeth Godfrey, Esme Baker,
Gweneth and Mildred Evans, Gladys Wells, Bertha King, Evelyn Gray.

Rhona D. Wells
Rhona D. Wells won photography competitions in vintage publications in September 1920.

Probably  Rhona Dalton Wells
Birth in March quarter 1903 in Camberwell, London.

Grace ?. Wells
Passenger of the "Germanic" from Liverpool via Queenstown to New York.
The arrival was on 01 December 1888.

Grace ?. Wells, aged 18, lady
Citizenship: USA
Intended destination: USA
Embarkation: Liverpool

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Lost Ancestors: 26 November 2009