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Young in UK
In Great Britain : 131 862 people share the surname Young according to our estimation.
The surname Young is the 37th most common name in Great Britain.

Young in Germany
The German telephone directories contain 297 entries about Young.
According to the current records of the Federal Office of Statistics, there are 744 Young
living in 129 cities and counties in Germany at the present time.
Further Youngs in Switzerland and Poland.

Younger in Germany
The German telephone directories contain 8 entries about Younger.
According to the current records of the Federal Office of Statistics, there are 21 Younger
living in 5 cities and counties in Germany at the present time.
Further Youngers in Switzerland.

Frank Young
Receiver of vintage postcards:

Mr Frank Young
Gilsland, Cumbria and Northumberland

Helen B. Younger
Helen B. Younger won prizes in vintage publications in 1899.

David and Kathleen Young
David and Kathleen Young won prizes in vintage publications in 1899.

I. M. Young
I. M. Young won prizes in vintage publications in 1909.

Charlotte Younger
Charlotte Younger won photography competitions in vintage publications in September 1920.

Hugh Young
Sunderland Technical College 1922
Old Students Association 1922 reports names of past and present Students.

Hugh Young - Date of Registration 1920.

Sunderland Technical College

Neil Percival Young
born on 12 November 1945 in Toronto, Canada.

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Genealogy Queries
    Young Family
Genealogy Forum
    Youngs Family
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Family Bible
Name Meaning & Origin
    Young Genealogy
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Lost Ancestors: 23 December 2009