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Memorial - Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany
Denkmal - Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

Central Cemetery - Path of Peace - Ginko stone No. 18
Hauptfriedhof - Friedenspfad - Ginkostein Nr. 18
Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918
Ehrenfriedhof 1914 - 1918

The City Council approved the purchase of memorial stones on May 12, 1915. The stones were for the soldiers who were buried in a part of the central cemetery who had been declared to an honorary cemetery. The soldiers were killed either by their injuries they suffered during the war or fell as a Freicorps fighter. The costs were paid by the city. Developed in four war years and five post-war years, soldiers were buried here until 1923, a comprehensive park was created.
The rectangular park is internal structured by high trees and separating bushes. The war victims rest in grave rows which are ordered circular or in right angel. The grave fields are intersected by sand paths which divide the park into four segments.
The tombstones are made of limestone from the Elm forest (nearby Brunswick). The names are engraved in iron cast plates and are topped with the Iron Cross.
Two wells are created at two ends of the path crossing. At the edges of the four segments are memorials erected for the Brunswick traditional regiments.

Ginko Stone

No. 18
Memorial Infantry Regiment 92

Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918 Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918 Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918
Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918 Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918 Cemetery of Honour 1914 - 1918

Memorial Infantry Regiment 92

Infantry Regiment 92

The monument for the Infantry Regiment 92 was donated by Duke Ernst August of Brunswick and Luneburg during his visit of the Western Front in 1914. It was erected in Devant les Bois in Belgium and was re-built in the Central Cemetery and was inaugurated on 5 April 1958.

Hier ruhen Soldaten des
Braunschweigischen I. R. 92.
Sie starben im großen Kriege
für Fürst und Heimat
am 23. August 1914
den Heldentod.
Inscription Infantry Regiment 92 Here rest soldiers of the
Brunswick I. R. 92.
They died a heroic death
for prince and fatherland
in the Great War
on 23 August 1914.

Names Infantry Regiment 92 Einjähriger Unteroffizier Manosch †
Reservist Meinike †
Reservist Müller †
Reservist August Pelz, 1. Company †
Musketier Gustav Märtens, 1. Company †
Musketier Heinrich Eppert, 3. Company †
Musketier Viktor Bouillon, 4. Company †
Offizier-Stellvertreter Kurt Königsdorf, 5. Company †
Names Infantry Regiment 92 Einjähriger Gefreiter Holz †
Gefreiter Kind †
Gefreiter Lips †
Reservist Ristig †
Reservist Schindler †
Reservist Rowohlt †
Musketier Ernst Herrmann, 5. Company †
Reservist Robert Janus, 5. Company †
1 Unknown †
Musketier Friedrich Störkmann, 6. Company †
Musketier Albert Werner, 7. Company †
Unteroffizier Henri Brünhagen, 8. Company †
Vize-Feldwebel Bruno Lübers, 8. Company †
Musketier Fritz Hopert, 9. Company †
Reservist Wilhelm Kramme, 9. Company †
Names Infantry Regiment 92 Musketier Herbst †
Musketier Borkfeld †
Reservist Jahn †
Reservist Masberg †
Musketier Eugen Wollensark, 10. Company †
Reservist Johann Lüders, 10. Company †
Vize-Feldwebel Renk, 10. Company †
Musketier Erich Rose, 11. Company †
Reservist Stefan Jaskulski, 11. Company †

The soldiers died during the Battle of Namur, Belgium by a direct artillery hit.

Reserve Infantry Regiment 78
Memorial Reserve Infantry Regiment 78 Inscription Reserve Infantry Regiment 78
Reserve Infantry Regiment 78
For its fallen

Among hundreds of soldiers of World War I are also buried:
Robert Ahrens Robert Ahrens
9. Seewehrabteilung Lehe
∗ 2. 9. 1877 in Braunschweig
† 31. 7. 1917
Wilhelm Berkhahn Wilhelm Berkhahn
Infantrie Ersatz Bataillon X/22
∗ 30. 1. 1874 in Wolfenbüttel
† 19. 10. 1918
Wilhelm Brandt Wilhelm Brandt
Flieger-Ersatz Abteilung 7
∗ 24. 7. 1892 in Apenrode
† 18. 9. 1918
Paul Brennecke Paul Brennecke
Infantrie Regt. 408, Stab 2. Bat.
∗ 21. 10. 1897 in Braunschweig
† 31. 10. 1918
Gerhard Büren Gerhard Büren
49. Reserve Feld-Artillerie Regiment
∗ 16. 11. 1892 in Braunschweig
† 17. 11. 1916
Otto Edler Otto Edler
Reserve Fußart. Regiment 8
∗ 17. 12. 1899 in Braunschweig
† 20. 12. 1919
Willi Hannemann Willi Hannemann
Infantrie Regiment 92, 1. Kompanie
∗ 15. 11. 1893 in Braunschweig
† 29. 6. 1916
August Hanschmann August Hanschmann
Flieger Ersatz Abteilung 5
∗ 16. 6. 1899 in Braunschweig
† 19. 2. 1918
Max Hauschild Max Hauschild
Reserve Infantrie Regiment 4/52
∗ 1. 10. 1889 in Zielendorf
† 27. 6. 1918
Wilhelm Högemann Wilhelm Högemann
Landwehr 1. Regt. 6
∗ 18. 11. 1874 in Sickte
† 12. 11. 1916
Otto Holwig Otto Holwig
Infantrie Regiment 78
∗ 27. 11. 1881 in Königsberg
† 11. 11. 1919
August Kleinfeld August Kleinfeld
Reserve Jäger Bat. 8
∗ 17. 1. 1899 in Kirpehnen
† 30. 9. 1918
Walter Macke Walter Macke
Feldart. Regt. 46, Regt.-Stab
∗ 10. 9. 1894 in Braunschweig
† 12. 8. 1919
Hermann Niemann Hermann Niemann
U-Boot B 90
∗ 31. 12. 1898 in Braunschweig
† 29. 6. 1918
Herbert Oppermann Herbert Oppermann
Infantrie Regiment 164
∗ 30. 8. 1897 in Braunschweig
† 10. 3. 1918
Ewald Papst Ewald Papst
Infantrie Regt. 465, 2. Komp.
∗ 26. 5. 1898 in Braunschweig
† 29. 10. 1918
Karl Raecke Karl Räcke
Landst. 1. Ersatz-Bat. X 27
∗ 29. 10. 1885 in Braunschweig
† 1. 3. 1918
Arnold Reckstaedt Arnold Reckstädt
Infantrie Regt. 135, 1. Komp.
∗ 2. 8. 1890 in Danzig
† 5. 4. 1919
Rudolf Velke Rudolf Velke
Feld Art. Regt. 50, Ers.-Abt.
∗ 20. 3. 1900 in Braunschweig
† 25. 10. 1918
Friedrich Witte Friedrich Witte
Res. Infantrie Regt. 91
∗ 4. 7. 1881 in Braunschweig
† 19. 2. 1917


This page is dedicated to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II.
We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world.




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