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War Memorial - Hogsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England

1914 - 1918  and  1939 - 1945

St. Mary's Church War Memorial WW I Inscription
The memorial was erected in the churchyard of St. Mary's Church.

To the glory of God
and in grateful memory of
the men of this parish
who in the Great War 1914 - 18
made the supreme sacrifice
for England and honour
this memorial is dedicated.
Erected by the parishioners.

Names WW I F. Brown
G. Burman
J. Carrott
E. Chester
H. Clark
C. S. Evison
G. Hasnip
T. Hall
L. Buckley (WW II)
A. W. Yarnold (WW II)
Names WW I J. E. Hall
E. H. Harriman
A. Parish
R. Parish
S. Sizer
G. W. Shepherd
F. J. Spilsbury
G. W. Vessey

A Roll of Honour can be found inside of St. Mary's Church:

Rolls of Honour
© Colin Murray (WMR-59725)

Roll of Honour WW I
© Colin Murray (WMR-59725)
1914    1918
On active service
Addison, Ralph
Boulton, John
Boulton, Maurice
Bowcock, George
Bridges, Arthur
Brown, Alfred
Brown, Ambrose
† Brown, Frederick
Brown, George
† Burman, George
† Carrott, Joseph
Cheals, Christopher
Cheals, Herbert
† Chester, Ernest
† Clark, H.
Clark, Jesse
Clark, Walter
Evison, Claud
† Evison, Cyril
Gatenby, Percy
Hall, Albert
† Hall, John G.
Hall, Percy
† Hall, Thomas
† Harriman, Elisha
Harriman, Tobias
† Hasnip, George E.
Hierons, George
Hill, Frank
Janney, Harry
Johnson, Herbert
Kirkby, William
Lenton, George R.
Lill, Josiah H.
Loughton, Leslie
Millns, Walter
Millson, John
Neal, Charles
Nicholson, Reginald
Nicholson, Walter
† Parish, Albert
Parish, Frank
† Parish, Robert
Parish, Vincent
Pearson, Frederick
Porter, John S.
Ramm, Cyril
Ramm, George
Ranson, David
Raynor, Frank
Raynor, Herbert
Richardson, Hugh
† Shepherd, G. W.
† Sizer, Sidney
Smith, Herbert
† Spilsbury, Francis
Spring, Charles
Todd, Earl
Trueblood, Edward
Trueblood, Joshua
† Vessey, E. W.
Vessey, Walter
Wingate, Arthur
Wingate, Henry
Young, Sidney
For King and Country
Roll of Honour WW II
© Colin Murray (WMR-59724)
1939    1945
On active service
Barker, Thomas
Burman, Henry
Brown, Kenneth
† Buckley, Lesley
Buckley, Ronald
Chapman, Douglas
Chapman, Martin
Coupland, James
Elliott, Edgar
Elliott, Lewis
Evison, James A.
Fenn, Eric
Fenn, Roy
Gilbert, Alphonso

Bird, Joan
Carr, Audrey
Clark, Betty
Farrow, Margaret
Gilbert, Charles
Green, George
Hatton, Arnold
Hill, Samuel
Holmes, James K.
Holmes, Robert
Hutison, Christopher
Gow, Arthur
Kirkby, Arthur
Kirkby, Cyril
Krikby, Fred
Kirkham, Reginald
Lingard, Leslie
Marshall, W. R.
Overton, Arthur

Forman, Winifred
Jackson, Audrey
Paterson, Nora
Pepper, May
Parish, Peter
Parish, Robert
Peterson, A. J.
Pepper, Hubert B.
Rowland, Philip
Spence, William
Stones, Allen
Sylvester, Albert
Sharp, Cyril
Taylor, Peter
Teinton, Reginald
Willson, Norman
† Yarnold, Arthur
Yarnold, Gordon

Smalley, Eva
Sharp, Grace
Towle, Eileen
Towle, Joy
For King and Country

The pictures and information were provided by Mick Peck. Many thanks, Mick.

St. Mary's Church
Picture owner: Bill Henderson
Source: geograph
The picture of the church of St. Mary is licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Rolls of Honour
Picture owner: Colin Murray
Source: IWM
The pictures of the Rolls of Honour are licensed under the IWM Non-Commercial Licence.


This page is dedicated to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II.
We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world.


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