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Names and That

The "Names and That" board was created to offer our members a source of information about Names (First and Surnames), date of birth, marriage, death, emigration . . ., names of partner and dates, children and dates.
We hope for the support of all members and that we will get a worthy help for every one's research.

If you found a list or information about a person or family outside of Lost Ancestors or your own sources (Books, internet, newspapers . . .) then please inform the moderators of Lost Ancestors via the email below. Please make sure that there is no copyright on these information.

Please click the "Search engine"-button what is installed on all following pages to come back to this page.

Thank you!

Names and That contains 2,236 surnames up to now and updates took place continuously.

New names:
Burridge, Gwynne, Parkhurst, Threlfall
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  New information:
All names which start with the letter A to S are updated

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Mixture - This and that about this and that.

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Lost Ancestors 2023