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War Memorial - Lochgoilhead, Argyll and Bute, Scotland

1914 - 1919  and  1939 - 1945

War Memorial WW I and WW II War Memorial WW I and WW II

Names WW I and WW II

Erected to the memory of
the gallant dead
1914 - 1919
1939 - 1945
L/Corpl. Donald Ainsworth, 2nd A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. Archibald Blair, 9th Royal Highlanders
Pte. John Campbell, 8th A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. Hugh Clark, 16th Royal Scots
Pte. William Fraser, 8th A. & S. Highlanders
Lt. Donald Jackson, A. S. C.
Pte. David Johnston, 8th A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. Neil MacFarlane, 8th A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. Alex MacIntyre, M. G. C.
Pte. Robert MacLachlan, 5th Scot Rifles
Pte. Duncan MacPherson, 12th A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. William McPherson, 6th Cameron Highlanders
Sergt. Louis Monroe, 8th A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. Neil Munro, A. & S. Highlanders
Pte. Alex Paterson, Lovat Scouts
Pte. John Semple, Cameron Highlanders

C.P.O. D. Forsyth, E. R. A.
2nd Lt. H. MacLean
Lieut. David Methven, George Medal
L/Corpl. James Nutter


This page is dedicated to the 10 million victims of World War I and 60 million victims of World War II.
We should always remember the immense grief and loss each war brought to the world.




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